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Resilient Kids SA works with community based organisations, churches and individuals to empower and equip communities to take care of our vulnerable children.
We provide training and support which enables adults and youth in a community to work with children in a way that helps build the resilience of each child.
Our aim is to have, in each community, a team of safe, caring adults and youth who can provide on going support to the children of their community.

Kay enjoying the sun with our interpreter, Lesotho 2014

Developing new trainers, Lesotho 2014

Paarl, Western Cape 2013

Lesotho 2014

Welkom 2013

Lesotho 2014

Lesotho 2014

Lesotho 2014
All of our courses and workshops are facilitated using experiential learning activities, group discussion, and individual reflection. Our primary focus, in most of our workshops, is on working with children psychosocially within their given context.
Please contact us to see how we can help you and/or your organisation work more effectlively with the children in your sphere of influence.
These are the courses we currently offer but we are always developing new ones and will adapt courses to suit your needs.
Introduction to Resilience Building for Caregivers
5 day workshop
Core Principles of Resilience Building
full-day workshop
​Resilience Building Focus Topics
half-day workshop
full-day workshop
Core Principles of Parenting for Resilience
full-day workshop
Parenting for Resilience
6 half-day sessions​​
Community Child Care Forum
2 or more days
Running Kids Clubs or other activities
1 day
Running Support Groups for Carers
2 or more days