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Resilient Kids SA works with community based organisations, churches and individuals to empower and equip communities to take care of our vulnerable children.
We provide training and support which enables adults and youth in a community to work with children in a way that helps build the resilience of each child.
Our aim is to have, in each community, a team of safe, caring adults and youth who can provide on going support to the children of their community.
More about our courses
Remember that we are willing to adapt, adjust and even develop training to suit your context
Resilience Building for Caregivers
This is a 5 day experiential learning workshop introducing a range of aspects relevant to offering effective psychosocial support to children.
Topics covered include the Core Principles of Resilience Building; Child Development; Loss, Grief and Abuse; Self Care for the caregiver; How to integrate Resilience Building into your context.
Core Principles of Resilience Building
These are half-day or full-day workshops designed to introduce the basics of Resilience and Resilience Building.
The half-day workshop covers - Value, Identity, Core Beliefs, Circles of Control, Resilience Basics, and Emotions.
The full-day workshop takes the half-day topics a little deeper, and adds - Listening, Play, Looking Beyond Behaviour, Handling Emotions and Conflict.
It is possible, and sometimes advisable, to cover the full-day workshop topics over two separate half-day workshops.
Core Principles of Resilience Building Parenting
This workshop is designed to introduce parents to the core principles of resilience as they apply to raising children. Topics include, Value, Names, Resilience, Listening, Playing, and Discipline.
Parenting for Resilience
This course, over six sessions, looks deeper at the topics covered in Core Principles of Resilience Building Parenting and also includes other topics such as Dealing with Change, Loss & Grief, Ages & Stages, Love Languages, and Learning Styles
Resilience Building - Change, Loss & Grief
In life change is inevitable, as is loss. In fact change is a kind of loss. Loss needs to be grieved well if we are to remain resilient. In this one-day workshop we look at how to help children deal with change, loss & grief in ways that promote resilience.
Community Child Care Forum
This workshop over 2 or more days is designed to help organisations to establish or strengthen a system where everyone in a community - organisations, government departments, and others working with children - works together to make the community a more child friendly community.
Running Kids Clubs or other activities
This workshop one day workshop is designed to help with how to apply Resilience Building to planning, preparing and running Kids Clubs, Support Groups or other activities with children. It is aimed at those who have already attended Resilience Builder workshops and have the basic knowledge and skills.
Running Support Groups for Carers
This workshop is to help create peer support groups for those working with children.