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Resilient Kids SA works with community based organisations, churches and individuals to empower and equip communities to take care of our vulnerable children.
We provide training and support which enables adults and youth in a community to work with children in a way that helps build the resilience of each child.
Our aim is to have, in each community, a team of safe, caring adults and youth who can provide on going support to the children of their community.
Consulting & Advocacy
Anyone and everyone who works with children can incorporate a resilience building philosophy and practice into their context.
Please contact us to see how we can help you and/or your organisation add resilience building in your context.
Family & Parenting Consultation & Intervention
The core principles of resilience building provide effective tools to help parents raise self-governing, independent, responsible children. We have courses that cover these core principles of parenting for resilience but we also offer tailor-made interventions at home with the family. To explore this option, please book a consultation. Get more details on the process and costs here. To arrange for a consultation contact us here.